Atomic Research Corporation - Raytomic
The Atomic Research Corporation of Colorado Springs, Colorado produced a line of Raytomic Geiger counters beginning in 1949. The company was founded by Hank Mulberger. The logo was “King of the Uranium Frontier”.
Raytomic Logo 1950's
The Raytomic Model B-20 was introduced in 1949. It was a lightweight portable survey meter for uranium ore detection. It used headphones for audible indications. It measured 4.5” x 7-3/8” x 3” and weighed 4.5 lbs. It could detect both beta and gamma. The probe was directional. It had a tropicalized, stainless steel case. The probe sleeve could be removed for beta detection. At two feet from a 0.84 microgram radium source, the unit indicated 80 cpm.
Raytomic Model B-20 1949
Early Raytomic (model/date unknown)
Raytomic Model ?? 1950's
Raytomic Model ?? 1950's
The Raytomic B-50 was offered in 1955 for normal, week-end prospecting. It came with an earphone and had an accurate 3-scale meter. It had a stainless steel case that is easily decontaminated with a damp rag. The unit originally sold for $98.50. The B-50-B could also be purchased with a bismuth tube for $144.50.
Raytomic Model B-50 1954
Raytomic Model B-50 1954
Raytomic Model B-50 1954
Raytomic Model B-50 and B-60 Ad 1950's
The Model B-60 was similar to the Model B-50 but had a super-sensitive external probe. An extra deep hole probe could be obtained for $75. The unit sold complete with carrying case for $149.50. The B-60 could also be purchased with a bismuth tube for $186.
Raytomic Model B-60 1955
Raytomic Model B-60 1955
Raytomic Model B-60 1955
Raytomic Model B-60 1950's
Raytomic Model B-60 1950's
Raytomic Model B-60 1950's
The Raytomic S-100 Scintillation counter was developed in 1954. The detector was a 2.64 cubic inch sodium iodide crystal with a magnesium oxide reflector. It was advertised as "The best scintillation counter in its price range". It was also listed by the Atomic Energy Commission and was advertised for use in uranium prospecting, hospitals, and schools. It sold for $825.
Raytomic Model S-100 1954
Raytomic Model S-100 1954
Raytomic Ad 1955
The Raytomic Super-X was initially offered with a 1.5” sodium iodide scintillation crystal in 1954. It also had 10 Geiger tubes making it ideal for aerial and mobile surveys. It came with a “genuine leather case” and sold for $475.
Raytomic Super-X Acrotron 1950's
Raytomic Arcotron 1956
Raytomic Bismatron and Arcotron Ad 1950's
Raytomic Bismatron and Arcotron Ad 1950's
Raytomic also produced the Super-X Arcotron and the Bismatron. The Bismatron was advertised as useful for aerial, mobile or portable work as well as deep hole probing. The Arcotron has 10 GM tubes and the Bismatron has 10 bismuth GM tubes. The Bismatron had the sensitivity of a 2” scintillator crystal. The unit measures uranium percentage without complicated formulas. It sold for $750 in 1955. The Arcotron sold for $475 in 1955.
Raytomic Super-X Bismatron 1950's
Raytomic Bismatron 1950's
Raytomic Bismatron
Raytomic Super X
Raytomic Super X
Atomic Research Corp Bismatron
Atomic Research Corp Model 230
The Model 231 was introduced in 1955 as a GM survey meter. It had an bismuth GM tube in an external probe. Inside the case were three thin walled GM tubes. It had three ranges from 200, 2000 and 20,000 cpm and 0.03, 0.3 and 3 mR/h. It weighed 4 lbs and used two 1.5 and two 45 volt batteries. An option for this unit was a 30” walking stick with a GM tube in the end.
Need photo
Atomic Research Corp Model 231 1955
Raytomic Model 521
Atomic Research Corp Model 521
Model ??