Electronic Counter Laboratories

Electronic Counter Laboratories was located in Los Angeles, California in 1955. The Electro-Count Model EC-5 sold for $129.95 They offered the Bismo-Count Model EC-6 which sold for $159.50 or variations which included and the Model EC-7 Hole-Count for $249.95. The motto was "The Finest in Radiation Detection Instruments.

Electro-Count Model EC-5?

Electro-Count Model EC-5 1955

Electro-Count Model EC-5 1950's


Electro-Count Model EC-5 1950's

The Bismo-Count Model EC-6 was introduced in 1955 and sold for $159.50. It had a bismuth GM tube which was three times as sensitive as ordinary GM tubes. It had a beta shield. The unit had a loudspeaker and a large four inch meter. It had ranges of 0.2, 2 and 20 mR/h and 800, 8,000 and 80,000 cpm. It used four flashlight, two B, and one C battery. The unit is 9” long x 4.5” wide x 4.5” high and weighed 6 lbs.

Electro-Count Bismo-Count Model EC-6 1955

Electro-Count Model EC-6 1950's

Electro-Count Bismo-Count Model EC-6 Ad 1955

Electro-Count Bismo-Count Model EC-6 1950's

The Crysto-Count Model EC-9 was offered in 1955 as a scintillation counter. It sold for $489. The unit had four time constants – the “air” position for airborne surveys, two intermediate positions “Fast” amd “Medium” , and “Slow” for grid surveys. It had six ranges from 0.025-5 mR/h. The probe weighs only 1 lb. 11.5 oz. It is made of polished aluminum to reflect the sun’s rays and avoid overheating. The detector is a 1.5” x 1” sodium iodide crystal. The probe is detachable with a cast aluminum “comfort grip” with a 5’ cable.

Electro-Count Crysto-Count Model EC-9 1955

Electro-Count Crysto-Count Model EC-9 Ad 1955

Electro-Count Crysto-Count Model EC-9 and Bismo-Count Model EC-6 Ad 1955